Posing Tips for Prom Photos

I love any excuse to wear a pretty fancy dress, and that is essentially what prom was for me growing up. Of course, when it comes to prom, everyone has to have some photos! Whether they are done by a professional, parent, or friend, you are sure to have some photos in your fancy attire. I'm going to walk you through some of my favorite poses for prom (with pictures for examples)!

Pose tip 1

The "Over-the-Shoulder"

The "Over-the-Shoulder" pose is a simple one that can have several variations. This pose is perfect for showing off the back of your outfit! You can choose to have your hands down at your sides, gathering your skirt, up by your stomach, on your hips. Essentially whatever feels comfortable for you!

Pose Tip 2

The "Lean"

The "Lean" is another easy pose that can be done almost anywhere (given that there is something for you to lean on). You can lean on a wall, column, tree, etc.! Again, this pose is great for different variations for your hands. You can have one supporting you like my model here, or you can lean on your shoulder.

Pose tip 3

Play with your Hair

Play with your hair! This is a super easy pose that adds some dynamic movement. You can come through your hair with your fingers, or you can brush your hair back behind your ear. Again, be sure to play with different variations to get a wide range of photos to use.

Pose Tip 4


Movement! Spinning is always a good one, especially if you are wearing a dress that has a circle skirt! Personally, I love utilizing spinning, quickly turning (like the one pictured above) and jumps! This gets some motion in your hair and your outfit, and honestly it's just fun!

Pose tip 5

Hug Yourself

Give yourself some self-love! Gently hugging yourself looks so cute! I especially love combining this pose with the "sniff your shoulder" pose. Which looks similar to the one pictured above except you are "sniffing" your shoulder. I know it sounds super weird but it's cute.

pose tip 6

Add your personality

Whatever you decide to do for your prom photos, make sure they accurately represent YOU. Here at Schwiet Memories, we are all about authenticity and capturing who you truly are. Make sure that your personality shines through your photos. Whatever feels natural and comfortable for you.

pose tip 7

Crown Yourself

Regardless of if you are actually up for Prom Royalty (or if you are even going to prom) be sure to crown yourself King or Queen.